Magic of Mudras
Every day my hands reach, touching, sensing, to feel ,to eat with, touch skin. there strength and the very delicate nature to really grip or to gentle feel or touch the skin of another or stroke the cheek of a baby. The body at times naturally forms mudras mostly it's with the hands. The seal, the gesture of the body.Years ago I woke up in eagle pose Garudasana. I asked many times why this pose? It would later reveal why?During my training in India I would become fascinated by mudras , still barely uncovering the basics. The body is truly subtle and intelligent. Here below are some hand Mudras. When doing these create a beautiful space of sacredness, allow the peace to flow. Also to do these in a moment to stabilise the nervous system and take a moment, has been a benefit for me when I have felt anxious. Enjoy . 🙏👌
Dhyani Mudra
Sit comfortably. Siddahasana or sit on a chair. Tall spine. Gently follow your breath. Bring your left hand onto of your right palm that is gently placed in your lap facing up. Gently place the left also facing up joining the tips of the thumb fingers. This is a beautiful mudra for meditation. The support felt in the hands here is a wonderful experience. If you feel your mind is being active. In the inhale inwardly silently say So, exhale silently Hum. This is a beautiful universal mantra. I find very accessible with no attachment to “what does it mean ”?!. This mantra is the beautiful rhythm of energy. Inward. Sit with this for 10- 20 min. Create a sacred space. Calm gentle.
The unmanifested cosmic womb. Yes and doesn't it look like that! It took me some time to really grasp how to pronounce this word. Th
A magnificent word I may say!
Sit comfortably. Siddahasana or sit on a chair. Tall spine. Gently follow your breath. Bring the finger tips together, thumb with thumb , index with index etc. I feel with uniting these I feel it brings great balance creativity,feeling of abundance. The uniting of the 5 elements is a visual I always seem to see and feel as all the fingertips are connected. Again my experience. Beautiful mudra. Allow the flow.
Yoni Mudra
Sit in Siddashana or any comfortable position. Tall spine,open heart, place the tip of the thumbs together and tip of the index interlacing the other fingers. This mudra is a great mediation mudra very receptive and being a meditative mudra, brings a inner quality. Peace and balance receptivity.
Varun Mudra
Sit in Siddashana or any comfortable position. Tall spine,open heart, hands facing up gentle placed on top of the knees. Gently inhale and exhale a few times calming your breath,the life force in the body. Follow your breath. Gentle find your rhythm calming.
Gently bring your pinky finger the finger associated with the water element. To join the tip of the thumb. Sit with this keeping the focus between the eyebrows. The ”third eye ”. This mudra is very calming to me. Helps with the balance of water. With it being associated with the water element this is for me calming to the emotions, confidence of self, settling emotions. Very peaceful mudra. Rachel x