Infinite Possibilities

Infinite Possibilites…

Inner battle - the shadow + Surrender - the light.

What if we were taught how possible everything is to us? I grew up with that …but how did I stray from that. Into doubt, fear, at times the mind anxious. 🤔 pigeon hole myself into limitations…

Where does this sense of fear come from?

I used to walk into a room and thought who would want to talk to me…

I'm not good enough … what will people think.

I mean where the hell does that come from!

It doesn't matter what class system, how beautiful, how smart you are .. its a sense of complete self acceptance and the sooner you can go F**k It …. more elegantly put lay in surrender, soft, fierce and loving.

This is the bed of self acceptance.

Actually let me refine this… stabilizing MY system ,connecting with that inner core , that inner soulscape of self. When we really acknowledge our Authentic self , it’s not gender based , its based in the unity of all. Not Im a woman or I am man , I am all .

I am an individual, my opinion counts, self expression and experience are my evolution, always growing listening, learning. …


Now this is a conversation you clearly have with yourself cause everyone else thinks you're perfectly ok … you have it together.

Ugh, I have walked into the room humble but apparently later on when I pull myself together … people thought I was a bitch . So clearly the tactic of being humble was fake and pathetic. All you beauties out there men & women be YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF ..

You’re beautiful … find self-acceptance and breathe.

Look if you're a gossiping seething bitch … that needs work . But if you struggle inside find that TRUTH of YOU. That beautiful girl /man feminine, masculine, strong, loving, smart girl/ boy and breathe life into her/him!!

As I put this up … Im taken back to how was I conditioned growing up? Though my own eyes, my own perception. What did I believe? Reactions What influenced me? school system?… was I bought up being told you cant do it that way … this is the way you have to do it. NO ! My parents backed me, loved me .. so why this feeling…

Now you must understand i’m not a person to ponder on what could have been, blaming all sorts of people/parents ,places or things for what happens in ones path . But I do now know we can release it, this conditioning , through action , intention , and wisdom . We get to choose , we get to Live we get to Love. So I ask you invest in you, invest in self, find the inner light . You have within you .

Believe in you .

Love & Grace



Magic of Mudras